Sie sind hier: Startseite / Kontakt / contact


Overview of the StuRa contact details


The StuRa is the central contact point for representation of student interests at the HTW Dresden.

In addition to politics, the StuRa also offers many services, such as advisory services or the opportunity to organize.

The service office is the contact point for matters concerning the semester ticket. But the service goes further than this and extends, for example, to the sale of StuRa merchandise articles or rental of our inventory. The service office has regular opening hours operated by staff.
In addition, other offices of the student self-administration may find a contact point for their own or common concerns.


service office opening hours


The motto is "Come round and see if anyone is there".

So just pop into the A building and ask the people there. If nobody is there, just come back the next day. If you are interested in or have questions for a specific department, please drop by during the office hours of the departments, which can be found on our homepage.


phone consultation hours


for student matters, in particular enquiries about the semester ticket

under the telephone number +49 (0)351 462 22 11


Not until August 8th 2024 (vacation)! Please write an e-mail or drop by the A-building.


Tuesday 4pm -   6pm         
Thursday  2pm -   5pm
Friday 9am - 12am


undefined opening times

Your StuRa is staffed as soon as one member is on site. During lecture period there are normally people present between 9am and 6pm. However, we still all study full time so it's also possible you will stand at a closed door.

In cases of urgency please call or write an e-mail.

Along with regular opening hours of the service office, consultation hours are offered by some active StuRa members. The list indicating the consultation hours can be found on the homepage. To keep effort to a minimum this offer should be utilised.




visiting address


StuRa HTW Dresden
ground floor on the right
rooms A101 - A110
Andreas-Schubert-Straße 23
01069 Dresden



correspondence address





HTW Dresden
PF 120701
01008 Dresden


HTW Dresden
Friedrich-List-Platz 1
01069 Dresden

in-house mail

Z 036


phone numbers


Rufnummerphone number for
requests regarding the semester
ticket or other student matters


Telefon + 49 (0)351 462 22 11


general phone number


phone + 49 (0)351 462 32 49
fax 32 40


special phone numbers


A 101 + 49 (0)351 462
22 11
A 103


33 51
A 104


22 62
A 106


20 62
A 107


25 93
A 108


32 49
A 109


22 69
A 110


28 29
A 001


25 95
A 002


24 86
A 003


34 43
A 004


25 94




in general
to the board
concerning the semester ticket
concerning the website
for further service

and other contact points








website with contact form




further information


Geld an den StuRa

Vertrauliches an den StuRa

